
Showing posts from October, 2024

In Self Defence

by Daniel Guy Lamb is up early. He’s stepped out of the shower and is drying his slim, pale hairless body with a thick white towel.   He’s been contacted by a man called Colonel Kein and asked to attend a meeting at a government building in the city centre this morning, at nine am.  He has no idea what it is about. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong.  He dries his cropped jet black hair, slips into an ironed white shirt and then steps into his best trousers. He finishes dressing and takes a moment to examine himself in front of a large mirror.  He knows he’s a good-looking young man, but he knows too that close friends are curious why, despite all the women who fall for him, he’s never able to stay in a relationship long.  Lamb looks at his watch.  No time for breakfast. He has to leave at once..   Hello Lamb.  I’m Kein. Glad you could come so quickly. Come with me. I can brief you on the way.…  Now then, I’m project manager for a government department, based here, which  d