Giovanni Plastics

by Daniel Guy

(dedicated to Helene)

Part 1

Roberta is Italian and gorgeous and slim, and after graduating from art school, she finds herself working in Milan, in the marketing department of Giovanni Plastics.  All the young men working in the factory downstairs from her office queue up to try to seduce her but she brushes them off with distain and a miserable stare because in her heart Giovanni Plastics is the last place on earth she wants to be.  The factory is grey and immense, situated in the ugly industrial part of the city.  Roberta longs to live in a world infinitely more exotic and beautiful than a factory producing nothing but plastic bags and plastic sheeting.
One night she is working late on a new marketing campaign and apart from the security guards she’s the only one left in the entire building.  As dusk descends, she stands silhouetted in the solitary light from her fifth floor office window, and looks out at the vast empty car park.
She sees a car pulls up and a man get out and enter the building through a side entrance.  Its Mario, the son of Giovanni, who everyone knows must take over the business very soon, since his father is fast dying from cancer.  She is surprised to see him.  The impression she gets is that Mario doesn’t seem to like working there either.   She’s noticed him on several occasions and he always looks like he’s under pressure, uncomfortable with the other managers, as if burdened with the prospect of soon becoming their boss.  Though he’s just past forty he’s kept his youthful handsome looks. If only he would smile, she thinks, not realising that’s just what everyone says that about her.

Roberta goes back to her desk, still wondering what draws the unhappy man back to his father’s factory so late.  She’s heard gossip about him.  He’s unmarried, uneasy with women, ashamed perhaps about something, and the other women have decided for themselves he must be gay. Roberta however is not convinced.

An hour later she’s still thinking about him. She decides to stretch her legs for ten minutes, and take a wander round. At the coffee machine she glances down a corridor and sees him. She follows, not quite knowing why and he leads her along several long corridors and down a staircase to the basement, and to a massive room she never seen before.  Here, there are enormous round tanks of riveted iron steel that collect the clear plastic waste, discarded from the cutting machines above, ready to be recycled. The basement is barely lit by the blue tinged lights hanging from steel rods from the ceiling.  She peers through a half open door and sees Mario climbing up a steel ladder to the top of one of the tanks. He stands on the top and undresses, before opening a steel hatch and disappearing inside the tank.
Roberta is completely mystified and cannot resist creeping up to the steel ladder, taking off her shoes and climbing as silently as she can to the top.  She couches down on the lid of the steel tank and peers through the hatch.   The tank is half filled with clear plastic, and lying on his back in the centre of this shiny soft bed is Mario. Unaware that he is being watched, his eyes are closed and he is smiling.  He is gently writhing, half submerged, stroking his cock beneath a sheet of plastic film, which lies loosely over his torso.

Roberta smiles. He looks blissfully content, enjoying some private fantasy and the sight of him sends a very pleasant shiver through Roberta’s body.

He opens his eyes and sees her looking in.  He startles and grabbing the loose plastic scraps around him, he attempts to cover his body.  The plastic is transparent and although the tank is only dimply lit, she can still see his gorgeous erect cock.
May I join you?  She says and smiles, a little startled by the echo of her voice resonating around the inside of the tank. 
Mario is silent, frozen, deeply embarrassed. She climbs down and kneels beside him on the soft mountain of plastic. 
 He finds he has no choice but to confess everything and Roberta finds this incredibly erotic.  He speaks very softly to explain how and why the touch of soft plastic arouses him so irresistibly. She listens and watches his eyes, as he gazes down at his hand, caressing the soft shiny folds, like a small child would stroke a kitten.
When he’s finished, she smiles and he looks up and breaks into smile himself and then they laugh. Roberta undresses, picks up a long thin slither of transparent film and playfully she pulls it tight over her breasts.  She arches her back and stretches the plastic sheet more so it feels good, tight and warm against her hard nipples.  He watches, open mouthed as she threads another long strip of polythene through her legs and then pulling it up tight with both hands she rocks her pelvis slowly back and forth as if she is riding a horse. Mario sits up, and strokes his cock once more. She moves towards him, lifts her leg till she is kneeling astride his lean chest and stretches another sheet tight over his face. She feels his cock stiffen and grow. Without thinking she kisses his shiny smooth plastic cheek.

Moments later he pushes her away and rolls on top and for a while they play with the plastic, like children playing with snow, covering each other, wrapping each other, both getting hotter and more horny as the gentle wrestling becomes more intense. Their bodies start to sweat and the warm soft plastic sticks to their skins.  The playful wrestling intensifies and Mario eventually binds her wrists behind her back with long plastic strips.  Now more aggressive and more dominant, he wraps a clear sheet tight around her head and starts to fuck her from behind. Roberta takes his massive tool inside her and it feels so good. She cannot breathe and yet her body surges with a kind of pleasure more intense than she has ever felt before. He fucks her harder and though the layers of transparent film, tight against her mouth, muffle her moans of pleasure, his deep primeval groaning echoes ever louder inside the steel chamber.

Together they climax in a heaving, pounding explosion of electrifying ecstasy, fucking like steel machines, pumping and gorging, hearts pounding and spunk gushing, till finally its over and they both collapse into the plastic bed. She pulls the sheeting from her face and lies beside him and they both lie still to recover their breath.      

Both sense that what had just happened inside that huge steel tank in the basement of the Giovanni Plastics factory was very special and very strange.
It was like a chemical reaction, a collision of particles, a lighting bolt that ignited their hearts and set off a massive chain of events.

They fall in love of course.  At the same time, Mario is transformed. Almost instantly he finds courage and self-confidence. From that moment on he is no longer afraid. Within days the whole factory is talking about him.  Did you see him smiling?  What’s got into Mario?  Finally he is starting to behave like he knows what he wants but no one has any idea why.  A week later his father dies. Mario takes charge of the business and within a year profits have doubled and a second factory is proposed.

Another proposal soon follows and Roberta instantly accepts. Their lavish honeymoon in Switzerland is a taste of the kind of things Roberta had always wanted.  She is blissfully content. She is aware that she had somehow released him and now she watches him, like a raging bull leaping out of a dark tunnel and into the light, fierce and fearless.

That’s how it feels each time they fuck. They fuck as often as they can.
She wants him bad but not so badly as he wants her. She craves plastic tight against her skin, binding her tight as he fucks her, knowing how violently turned on he is be the sight of her struggling.

They sex play evolves. Each night a new scenario is played out between them and every time plastic is used.  Soon he is mummifying her in tight clear pallet wrap and watching her wriggle and squirm, helpless and breathless, before he cuts a hole through the shell of shiny cocoon and fucks it with an ever-increasing frenzy.

She becomes addicted to the sensation of being bagged and fucked. Sometimes he pulls a small clear food bag tight over her head so the features of her face are squashed and distorted.  The bag is sealed tight around her neck and her wrists are wrapped together with ribbons of plastic tape.  Every night he puts her in a different position. Sometimes she is allowed to masturbate herself, other times she is not. Sometimes she is suspended by her neck from a rope of twisted plastic sheeting, other times spread-eagled on a bed. Every time she is unable to escape, even though there is little air inside and that he will not take it off before he comes. Sometimes he pulls a large sack over her upper body and seals it tight around her waist.  The air inside lasts much longer which means he can face fuck her for a while and sit quietly rubbing his cock while she wriggles inside, growing ever more weak, before finally it is time to lick her cunt or fuck her.

Their lifestyle quickly changes. She stops working and spend more time doing the things she wants to do like writing and painting and learning to play the saxophone.  They buy a big house with a glorious view of the mountains. Life for Roberta becomes more rich and satisfying than she ever imagined.

The sudden success of Giovanni Plastics is also unpredicted.  Market share increases massively and the company start to open new factories throughout Europe and America.

Five years on from that chemical reaction that took place in the steel chamber,
and though Mario is often on business abroad and Roberta is left alone in her beautiful house, they remain blissfully in love.  The most important ingredient of love is trust. Both know that the intensity of their plastic fuelled fucking is something they could never hope to produce with anyone else. 

So there she is, alone late one night, wearing the tight white latex dress Mario had just bought for her, kneeling on the bed staring at the screen of the new laptop he had given her a week before.  They have just finished talking on Skype for an hour. He is in New York and is not returning for another three days.

That morning, before he left, she was awake when the first golden shafts of sunrise began to filter through the curtain.  She watched him sleeping, wishing he didn’t have to go abroad again.  Then she had a mischievous idea and within ten minutes she had managed to gently tie his wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed without rousing him. He woke to find himself unable to move and at that point she pulled a clear plastic bag over his head and quickly sealed it airtight around his neck with tape. Then she knelt astride him and pushed his stiff cock into her wet cunt and began to ride him.
‘Good morning, my sweetheart’ she said as she rode him hard, pushing down and grinding her pelvis hard into his own.  She was grinning, watching his face inside the bag, his eyes staring intently up at hers, his mouth wide and the plastic film tight against it like a drum skin.  She reached for a second bag and tied it around her own head and as they continued to stare intently into each others eyes, they fucked and rocked and pounded till the bed squeaked loud and until finally they screamed in ecstasy together, so loud that all the birds in the trees outside their window took flight at once. 
Once the bags had been torn off their faces they laid cuddled together collapsed with exhaustion, emptied, lost in a deep calm, a plateau of divine and heavenly peace.

So there she is, in her white latex dress, thinking about that morning, and trying to work out if she had ever had a better orgasm with him than that. 
The house is quiet.  She thinks about slipping out of her dress and taking a bath, but she realises she is too horny for that.  Their Skype conversation had aroused her.  So she logs on to her favourite breathplay site, hoping a video might keep her horny for a while longer.  A few minutes later in a chat room, she meets a guy called Dan.

 (Part 2 follows shortly) 


  1. Very nice story. I'm waiting for the part 2 for too long !

  2. Super story This is what a plastic fetishist like me would experience


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