The Thing about Butt Plugs...


by Daniel Guy

- Hi.

- Hello there, Mrs Jones. How are you?

-       I need to talk to you about my son.

- Michael? Sure. How is he? I haven’t seen him around recently.

- No-one has, much. 

- Is he OK?

- I’m worried. He didn’t come home last night. Again. Hasn’t called. 

- Doesn’t he stay over with his girlfriend sometimes?

- I phoned her this morning. He not been there for weeks. 

- Well, I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure he’s ok.

- Where would he go?

- Perhaps he needs time on his own. 

- He’s been very quiet for months. Hardly speaks. 

Walks around like he’s in some kind of trance. 

- Oh well, I know plenty of teenagers like that.  

- Spends hours in his room…

- He’s young.

- He should have left home and got his own place by now, but he can’t find work.

- It’s tough these days for young people…

- He’s been locking his bedroom door; we don’t see him for days… 

- Maybe he needs time to himself… 

- ….and when we do see him, it’s like he’s not there.

- So he might be smoking a bit of weed from time to time. 

- You think it might be that?

- We all used to do it at his age. 

- I looked around his bedroom this morning…

- What were you looking for?

- I don’t know. But I found this.

- What is it?

- It’s a empty cardboard box, hidden in a drawer. 

- OK. Let me see it. 

- Look what’s written on the side.

- ‘DX Drone 12229 Insert.’

-       I tried to look it up on line, but I couldn’t find anything…

- Ah. 

- Do you know what a DX Drone Insert is? 

- Erm..

- You do?  

- Yes. I do.

- So what is it?

- It’s a butt plug. 

- Oh my God. You’re joking! You mean he bought a butt plug? 

- Yes. And this is the box it came in. 

- Oh no!

- He’s twenty-two. Old enough to make his own decisions. 

- Is he gay?

- Not necessarily.. 

- So what does he want with one of those?

- Have you tried them?

- No! Of course not!

- Perhaps you should, Mrs Jones.  Many people find them a great turn 


- Oh, my God, he’s a pervert!

- No, he isn’t. 

- He is! 

- They say about five per cent of the population is walking around

with a plug in their butt of some description. 

- I’m shocked. My little, innocent Michael!

- The thing is…

- What?

- This one is no ordinary butt plug… 

- What do you mean?

- This one vibrates. 

- Oh my God!

- It’s designed to arouse him for as long as he keeps it in his butt.

- Why would he want to do that? 

- It’s obvious. It would make him feel intensely horny all day. 

- That’s crazy!

- It might be, but you can imagine it’s irresistable for many.

- I don’t believe it! My son owns a sex toy! 

- It also sends and receives signals to the DX control room. 

- What? Why?

- There’s nothing to worry about. 

- What do you mean?

- It looks to me like Michael has decided to become a DX drone. 

- What are you talking about?

Dronification is something that kicked off in Asia, and now a lot of

young people are getting into it, male and female. You don’t see much

about it in the mainstream press, but…

- - Hang on. Dronification? What on earth is that?

- It’s is a concept that allows participants to explore themes around

identity and behaviour and to assume a position where they no longer 

        have to think, only do. Drones have no need to do anything

more than obey orders, and are freed of any other desires or

purpose.  They are trained to masturbate continually till they 

slip into trance and effectively become mindless, drooling drones. 

- Surely he can’t be involved it that sort of thing!

- Taoists call this state as ‘wu-we’ which means ‘doing not doing.’ 

- How come you know so much about it?

- Well, as it happens I’m thinking of becoming one myself. 

- You?

- Yes. A friend of mine has started training and he told me all about it. 

The DX Drone brainwashing programme, he says, teaches you how to

remain in trance and aroused 24 hours a day. It’s a great sensation. 

Drones have no thoughts, no power and no responsibility. They’re just

slaves to a control centre. I mean, you can understand why this sort 

of thing has an appeal, especially with teenagers.  

What have people got to look forward to these days?  Unemployment, 

global pandemics, not to mention the destruction of the

environment. Ouf!

If you give them the chance to become a drone, where they don’t 

have to think any more, or feel anything except the overwhelming 

desire to orgasm, then it’s a bit of a no-brainer, so to speak… 

And you get to wear a sexy black rubber uniform. 

- What?

- Training to become a drone always starts with hypnosis videos. 

Then you go onto the butt plug. 

- Hypnosis videos?

- Yeah. If Michael has the butt plug, then he’s definitely been watching

the videos. 

- Oh! 

- After that you get the rubber mask, and then when the brainwashing is complete, 

        you go to the control centre to get the rubber uniform fitted. 

- What happens after that? 

- I’m not sure. No one really knows.  To be honest, no one really cares

by then…

They’re just drones, a mindless work force, that don’t need wages, 

so I guess they’re just sent out to work in mines and mobile phone factories 

        somewhere around the globe.

- I’ve never heard of anything like this before. 

- Oh you will. I think it’s going to hit the mainstream pretty soon. 

In fact I’m pretty sure the skinny guy with the pony tail who works 

at the post office is a drone. You can tell by his eyes. Last time he 

served me he was wearing tight leather jeans and he had a dreamy 

smile and an erection down to his knees. It took him twenty minutes 

to cash my cheque. 

Listen. I have to go. If you see Michael, give him my regards. 

I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s probably having a very good time, so I 

wouldn’t worry much. 




Daniel Guy. 


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